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How To Setup the Web Search

Discussion in 'Knowledge Base' started by iMatt, Jun 28, 2015.

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  1. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    The Web Search can be enabled in Admin > Settings > Web Search.

    Turning this on will enable a number of new options in the Bible window - please see the screenshots at the end of this article for examples.

    As of version 3.1 you can define two different Web Searches. Please enter the following Website Settings:
    1. The Website Name - this is the friendly name that will be displayed in the black context menu that shows when you select some text. General the shorter the better. For example "Google" or "WOL".
    2. The Website Search URL - the URL that will be opened in the Safari browser when you click the Web Search button. The best way to find out this URL is to go to the actual website, perform a search, and view the URL of the Search Results page. And then in place of the search phrase add the following: %q.
    So for Google you would enter the following search string:
    Or for WOL in English you would enter the following search string:
    Or for WOL in Spanish you would enter the following search string:
    Remember - go to the website, perform the search, and then replace the value of the search query parameter with %q.

    Search Placeholders

    The following placeholders can be used as part of the URL and will be dynamically populated by the Equipd Bible when performing a search:

    %s = full scripture reference (e.g. 2 Timothy 3:16) *
    = full scripture reference (e.g. 2 Timothy 3:16) *
    = book name with spaces removed (e.g. 2Timothy) *
    = book abbreviation with spaces removed (e.g. 2 Ti) * **
    = book number (e.g. Genesis = "1")
    %bb = book number padded to 2x characters (e.g. Genesis = "01")
    %c = chapter number (e.g. "1")
    %cc = chapter number padded to 2x characters (e.g. "01")
    %ccc = chapter number padded to 3x characters (e.g. "001")
    %v = verse or verses (eg 1 or 1-10)

    * Localized to the language of the Bible being used.
    ** Abbreviations defined in the Equipd Bible will not match all external websites which are inconsistent. You can see what abbreviations are used in the app by changing the Bible navigation to that language.

    Sample Screenshots
    1. The Web Search settings window
    2. Tap + Hold on a verse number
    3. Click the "globe" button above the section of verses
    4. Select a word inside the verse. Note that only the first defined Web Search will show in this menu.
    5. When using a single Bible only, then you can also find the Web Search in the top/right action menu.

    Simulator Screen Shot 30.05.2016, 8.42.02 AM.png Tap and hold on a verse.png Tap globe icon above verses.png Select word inside verse.png Web Search single Bible.png
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