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Idea class="LEXICON"

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Gabriel, May 25, 2016.

  1. Gabriel

    Gabriel Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Like the existing class (class="strongs"), but the class="Lexicon"!)))

    Put the lexicon in an EPUB, with all footnotes and/or references to a file LEXICON, close the application (Too big Epub).

    I would like this idea becomes planned! It would be interesting for other versions that KJV+S.

    Lexicon with:
    1 / Strong numbers
    2 / the word in Greek as it appears in the Greek NT
    3 / a pronunciation model
    4 / Bible verses where the Greek word is (not present in the class=strong)
    5 / English translation
    6 / French translation (not present in the class=strong)

    I just received the revision of the Greek lexicon, with the right to use it. In Excel. With the 6 previous columns.

    Or there is another solution? Or Equipd can recognize another "id" in the "A href" to open a file in an epub with the "a href" like for Strong?
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  2. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    I need to learn more about what a Lexicon is. Can you please post links to more details about this.

    Is that just for you to use? If I have the rights as the developer of the Equipd Bible to include it in the app, then that is likely a better option. Yes, for the same reason I took that approach with the Strong's Concordance.

    If I have the right to use it as well please let me know and I will send you my email address.
  3. Gabriel

    Gabriel Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    "There is no problem for using my Greek lexicon strong. (...) The key is to mention the source and let me know your work. (...) Our wish is to make the lexicon in different formats because there is demand for being integrated in various applications for Bibles, for example. (it is .docx) - Richard Helleme (hochylap@gmail.com).

    The files that I received
    Last edited: May 25, 2016

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