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Automating Equipd from Editorial

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by Jonathan Markevich, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Question for Editorial users - is it possible to get the app to hide the greyed out link in markdown? So that it just shows the blue linked text, but not the light grey url next to it?
  2. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    I wondered the same thing. I'm no expert, but from what I have seen, I'm thinking it is not possible, but if somebody knows a way to do it, I'd love to know, too.
  3. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    If you swipe left to see the preview it should do that, as long as Markdown doesn't get confused (I had it confused when pasting a link right after a citation in [square brackets], like at the end of a TMS review question). It needed some non-space character (though a line break is apparently ok).

    Be sure to check out the example styles in the preview window by tapping the title.
  4. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    I'm using Editorial to set up documents to study, highlight and make notes in Word. None of the installed workflows worked for exporting the text without the Markdown or html markings, so I'm using a workflow available on the Editorial website to export my documents to Word. The document retains the basic formatting and only the hyperlink which works beautifully.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
  5. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Love the idea of passing as a parameter in the URL whether or not to show the UI or just simply return the scripture in the preferred or specified language.
  6. Karl Tietz

    Karl Tietz New Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    I love this feature. One thing that I would like to do in the future is create a workflow based on Jonathan's that extracts the scriptures from a line and replaces them with markdown links. However, that would require the ability to call the Generate Markdown Link function from a URL. That would be a feature I would loooove to see.

    Thanks for all your hard work iMatt!
  7. Jan Peter

    Jan Peter New Member

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I'm experimenting with Editorial and the worfklow mentioned before. Is this workflow only working for the Bible books in English? When I'm typing the Dutch translation it won't work.

    I like the idea of this workflow and would love to work with it.
  8. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    You really don't need to call any functions form Equipd Bible to generate your Link. Your link is usually the same always, just replacing the scripture. The x-call-back url should look like this ([<BEFORE>](equipdbible://x-callback-url/lookup?x-source=editorial&language=<LANGUAGE>&scripture=<AFTER>&x-success=editorial://)

    Just replace <BEFORE> with your initial scripture, <LANGUAGE> with i.e. en, es, etc, and <AFTER> with the the scripture formatted for the lookup function in Equipd bible (ie. remove all spaces, etc). There you have your link without even opening Equipd Bible.

    Take care;

  9. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Try adding the language parameter in the url.
  10. Karl Tietz

    Karl Tietz New Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Good point, thanks for the tip.
  11. Jan Peter

    Jan Peter New Member

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Thanks! It works.
  12. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    This is a workflow that I use to scan an entire document and replace the scriptures for links to EquipdBible. Keep in mind that it's designed to detect scriptures in spanish but with minor modifications to the array in the python script and the language in the URL replacement string you can accomodate it to any othe language.
  13. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    This is the type of workflow I've been looking for. You have to correct scriptural references where there is no Bible book specified, but that is a minor consideration given the power of this workflow. It's working in English where the abbreviations coincide, although it's returning Spanish names of the books of the Bible and their abbreviations. I need to figure it out for English.
    Thank you so very much!
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
  14. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    This is wonderful! It works perfectly, and really FAST. Thank you for sharing it!

    I added the English abbreviations here: http://www.editorial-workflows.com/workflow/5874638080966656/3UTOcZAKJKo

    Sorry for not crediting you in the notes, Carlos. I meant to, you did all the work!
  15. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Once again, Jonathan, thank you. The material that I'm working with has LOTS of scriptures and I was tediously converting them one by one. I used Carlos' workflow which helped a lot but I needed to see the names in English and my first attempt to change the abbreviations wasn't successful, returning a workflow error. I thought I did something wrong with the abbreviations or needed to make another change that I don't have enough knowledge to make. Since I didn't have time to work on it, I put it aside. I tried again last night and the same thing happened: a workflow error.

    When I saw your workflow, I tried it and I got the same result when first running it, and assumed that there must be another issue. I tried with both my edited version of Carlos' workflow and yours to finish adding links to a document that was already partially edited with links. I got a workflow error message on two documents with partial edits and thought I should try it on "clean" documents. I was successful on some but not on others. I got a workflow error on line 82. No clue why or what the problem is nor if it has anything to do with the fact that the workflow selects and edits the whole document and previous links could cause a problem. Any ideas?

    Also, is it possible to make this workflow select a paragraph at a time and adapt it to finish up my documents that are already partially edited? I can make the changes if you let me know how and where on the script.

    Where it did work, though, all I have to do now is go through and correct the references to scriptures where no Book name is included in the text, i.e., Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20, which returns [Matthew 24:14](equipdbible://x-callback-url/lookup?x-source=editorial&language=es&scripture=Mt24:14&x-success=editorial://); 28:19, 20

    Again thank you both for the very useful workflows you have shared with the forum.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  16. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Okay, it's not a partially edited document causing the problem. I'm trying to track it down.
  17. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I'm getting some weird results too. I replaced all of the "es" links with "en", which I had forgotten... but now it refuses to acknowledge something like "2 Cor. 7:10, 11" and I'm not sure why.
  18. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    I have just gone through more than a dozen documents with a total of several hundred pages and a multitude of scriptural references. I found that two books of the Bible consistently produced workflow errors: 2 Corinthians and Job. After I searched through each document and one by one copied in the generated links for any cited scriptures from these two books, I was able to use the workflow to insert all the other scripture links.

    I did not make any changes to the English workflow but used it as is.

    Three examples are given below. Perhaps you can paste these into an md doc in Editorial and see if you can reproduce the workflow error I was receiving:

    9 At times, an elder may be called upon to help a sheep who has erred, who perhaps has ‘taken some false step before he is aware of it.’ How can an elder help? “Try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness,” says Galatians 6:1. Hence, when offering counsel, an elder would not scold the erring one, employing harsh words. Counsel should encourage, not “terrify,” the one receiving it. (2 Corinthians 10:9; compare Job 33:7) The individual may already feel ashamed, so a loving shepherd avoids crushing that one’s spirit. When counsel, even firm reproof, is clearly motivated by and given in love, it is likely to realign the thinking or conduct of the erring one, thus restoring him.—2 Timothy 4:2.
    2 Cor 10:9 is the problem

    (Job 41:11; Ps. 24:1)
    Job 41:11 is the problem.

    God does not make people suffer. He loves them, wants what is best for them, and will soon bring about major changes on the earth. Sickness, the problems of old age, and death will be gone, and obedient people will live forever—right here on this planet.” (Revelation 21:3, 4; Job 33:25; Isaiah 35:5-7; 65:21-25)
    Job 33:25 is the problem.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
  19. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Small issue with Philippians in the English list in the spelling. Instead of 'Phillipians', I edited the workflow on my iPad to 'Philippians.' Now works properly.
  20. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    It's very random, I don't understand what's going on...

    Also I don't think it will grab scriptures in a book with a single chapter like Jude.

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