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Done - 3.1 Autoscroll to note in side panel

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Baerwurzl, May 17, 2016.

  1. Baerwurzl

    Baerwurzl Member

    Sep 29, 2015
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    it would be great if the note in the note side panel would be highlighted (and scrolled to), when opening a scripture in Equipd bible (with verse)
    Example: i have many notes in one chapter and open book, chapter, verse (fe: 1.king 4:30) with the picker. Now the chapter opens and scrolls to the highlighted verse 30. Great!
    But the note side panel with many notes stays the same although there is a note for this verse and shows me instead my first notes of the chapter (fe verse 1,3 and 4): Here is no scrolling to the note of the verse or highlighting...
  2. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    I am not so sure about the "highlighting" option. While on the picker you can initially only select 1 verse, the user has many ways of selecting multiple verses. I don't really want to "highlight" all the notes that relate to all the verses being looked up.

    However the idea of auto-scrolling to a relevant verse is logical. And I have completed this feature. Basically it will look for the first verse being looked up that has a matching note, and it will scroll to that note in the Side Panel.

    Maybe I will reconsider the highlighting option in the future but for now I will see what the beta testers think of this initial step...
  3. Baerwurzl

    Baerwurzl Member

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Perfect! Thank you!

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