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Reading whole chapters at a time

Discussion in 'Technical Questions' started by Cindy Lemire, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. Cindy Lemire

    Cindy Lemire New Member

    Mar 29, 2017
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    I am wanting to start using the Equipd bible for my bible reading since I can make notes on the side linked to a verse. I like that. What I don't like is that when I change to a new chapter I have to go through the process of picking the chapter, picking verse 1 and scrolling to the the end to hold the last verse so I can now read the whole chapter. This really breaks the flow for me and ruins my thoughts on what I'm reading, then if I want to go back and read something earlier, I have to do it again. I went to settings to try and figure out how to move from chapter to chapter and moved the on button for Whole Chapter, but that didn't change anything. I end up going back to using other apps. Is there a way to change this? So I can open a whole chapter at a time and go back and forth during my bible reading?
  2. Best Answer:
    Post #2 by iMatt, Mar 29, 2017
  3. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Hi Cindy,

    First of all thank you for taking the time to ask about this, as yes, that is a really frustrating process. I am glad you didn't just give up and leave it there.

    There are a number of things in the app that can help you. You will probably kick yourself for not seeing these once you know about them.

    1) If you are using the Bible in side-by-side mode - i.e. multiple Bibles open at the same time - then it is really easy to jump straight into the full chapter view. There is a button dedicated to doing this. Above the block of verses on the far right side is a button. It is the "Chapter View" button. Click this button and you will be presented with exactly what you are after. See the screenshots below. But keep reading after that .... :)

    Chapter View 1.jpg Chapter View 2.png

    2) Once you are in the fullscreen Chapter Window, you can use gestures to navigate around. Swipe left or right to move between chapters. You can also double-tap on the left or right sides to switch between the multiple Bibles you have open. (You can change this to triple-tap in Settings if you prefer)

    3) If you find that you really only ever want to use full chapter mode then back in the main Bible window, hit the Settings button top/left. From here you can turn off the other Bibles until you only have the 1 Bible you frequently use enabled. This will switch the main window to automatically showing the full chapter, instead of the side-by-side view.

    4) Did you know that Equipd Bible has Bible Reading Schedules? In the top toolbar hit the button that looks like a Book. Then the last tab is Schedules. Inside there is a Settings button where you can turn on 1 or more Reading Schedules. These schedules automatically open the Chapter window as well, and then allow you to tick off the chapters as you complete them on the schedule.

    A lot of these features are explained in detail on these forums. I also encourage you to read the Blog posts that go into these features in greater detail.

    Also many of these things you would have found if you were more familiar with the buttons in the app. I encourage you to spend time click around the interface and getting familiar with what the different buttons do, as they all have a purpose!

    I hope that helps.
  4. Cindy Lemire

    Cindy Lemire New Member

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Thank you, I found that, I actually that the box with the arrow was to send it somewhere.o_O
    That gives me what I'm looking for. Thank you, and I will look at the blog.

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