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Starting Point for Creating my Own Reading Schedule

Discussion in 'Technical Questions' started by dchan, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. dchan

    dchan New Member

    Aug 26, 2018
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    Hi! I've found that while very useful, the read-the-Bible-in-one-year schedule moves too quickly for me. I want to create my own schedule for reading the Bible in 2 years, but need a starting point.

    I understand that the schedules are merely json files. If I were able to download the one-year json file, I could then edit it to make it two years, no? Unfortunately I am not seeing where I can download the one-year plan on your app or on this forum.

    I see in the 'contributed schedules' section Day text and Memorial reading schedules which I could edit, but they're both for specific dates, etc. I'd really like a copy of the one-year json file that I can use as my starting point to making my two-year plan.

    Is it possible for you to post it? Or send it to me directly?

    Thank you!
  2. Best Answer:
    Post #2 by iMatt, Aug 27, 2018
  3. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Hi @dchan!

    I am glad to hear that the app is proving useful.

    Here is a copy of the JSON files for all of the schedules included with the Equipd Bible app :)

    A couple of things to take note of:
    1. The "uid" = the file name
    2. You will be wanting to use "type" = "daily" and "progression" = "sequential"
    All the best!


    Attached Files:

  4. Ken

    Ken New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Good afternoon @iMatt !
    I am using Airtable to help with making schedules and adding Header information. I created a chronological schedule that I hope to improve with more details over time.

    I ran the schedule through a json test and it came back good. The uid & filename match, and when I create a zip file, I add the -schedule to the end of the name (before the .zip extension). I also compared my schedule to the ones you posted for us to use as examples.

    There still seems to be an error. I can install the schedule, but I am not able to delete it. Nor am I able to change the 'Start Date'. Hopefully I am just missing something simple. I know everyone is busy, but any help you could provide would be wonderful.

    I renamed the attached file from .json to .txt so that I could upload it. I also included an snippet of the Airtable project.

    Thank you so much!

    Attached Files:

  5. Ken

    Ken New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Good afternoon!

    I was curious if anyone had a chance to see what might be wrong with the schedule I uploaded. Of course, I know everyone is very busy. My apologies if I posted in the wrong thread (I just realized this thread is categorized as ‘Answered’ ). Thank you!
  6. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hi @Ken sorry for not replying sooner. Let me push out my next update to ServicePlanner and then I will have look into this for you as well as some other improvements to the Bible app.
  7. Ken

    Ken New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Thank you so much! I love Service Planner. I’m looking forward to the updates
  8. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hi @Ken, so I downloaded your TXT file and converted it into a compatible Schedule ZIP, as attached.

    For me it loads fine, and also I also can change the Start Date ok. Here is a video you can watch of me installing the schedule, and changing the start date.

    With regard to deleting the downloaded schedule, yes you are right, there is a bug there. I just located it and will include the fix in the next update.

    In the meantime, if you want to update your schedule as you improve it, I think you can still do this *guessing* - you can probably install a new copy of the same schedule, then restart the app. When it is restarted hopefully it is showing you the newer copy of your schedule.

    Hope that all makes sense.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  9. Ken

    Ken New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Thank you @iMatt!

    I should clarify the start date issue I have. The date picker does appear and I can select a date. The date doesn’t ‘stick’ or save. When I return to my schedule, the start date didn’t update to what I selected.
  10. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hi @Ken. So it is not just a matter of changing to a different date. Did you also press the "Reset Reading Progress" button after changing the date as shown in the video?

    If you did press the reset button are you able to generate a backup and email it to support@equipd.me so I can check a couple of things?
  11. Ken

    Ken New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    @iMatt - Thank you sir! That did it - I wasn't pressing the "Reset Reading Progress". Thank you!!

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