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Chronological Reading (Slow)

Discussion in 'Contributed Schedules' started by iMatt, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Many enjoy the Chronological Bible Reading Schedule, but they find it a bit intense with the current schedule completing the reading in 1 year. They have asked for a slower reading schedule, one chapter or less per day.

    Duration: 1205 days
    Intensity: Low
    Description: A chapter a day (or less) in the order events happened.

    How to install:
    On your device download the attached ZIP file (below) in Safari, then locate the downloaded file in the Files app > Downloads folder. Tap+hold on the ZIP file and from the popup menu choose "Share" to the "Equipd Bible" app. If you do not see the Equipd Bible app in the "Share" list, then click on "More" to show additional apps and select it. You will then see the schedule listed under "Downloaded Schedules" inside the Bible app.

    PS If you have trouble installing the schedule ZIP file on iOS 13+, maybe some of the details on this forum post will help you.

    Attached Files:

  2. DvD

    DvD Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Thank you Matt for the updated schedule- I had tried to do this some time ago but got swamped with trying to keep up with it and the scheduled reading and other projects
  3. Tim Knapp

    Tim Knapp New Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Thanks for the schedule! Out of curiosity, how is the order of the reading determined? Just that I thought there may be some errors, for e.g. after reading 1 Sam 24, the next chapter to read is Ps 7, which doesn’t seem to fit in Bible chronology. Should it be Ps 57? Many thanks in advance, Tim
  4. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    @Tim Knapp good question. For some background the starting point of the schedule was a secular schedule for chronological reading in 1 year. Since then I tweaked the schedule and had a quick go at correcting the order of the reading to be better in line with our understanding of Bible chronology, but it was not a detailed review ... just a quick attempt at correcting the order of the most obvious readings. Then I turned the 1 year schedule into this slower one chapter per day schedule. There are likely still some issues with the order of the readings and perhaps in the chapter definitions itemised per day.

    I will look into the issue with Psalm 7 vs 57 - I may have linked to the wrong one. Thanks for letting me know.
  5. Tim Knapp

    Tim Knapp New Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Hi @iMatt, thanks for your explanation and no worries at all. Hope you're keeping safe and well during this time.

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