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Automating Equipd from Editorial

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by Jonathan Markevich, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2015
  2. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
  3. niall

    niall New Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Nice, thanks.

    I'm also one who uses Editorial for note taking and study.

    I have a similar script that converts the selected scripture into a launch able URL from the preview page. I write with the aim of producing an ePub for later review, so clickable links are useful.

    It has basic error checking, to see if the selected text might be a scripture, but is not foolproof.

    I'll post it when I get back home.

    I also have an Editorial script that lets you select text and then search WOL. It has a bit stronger error checking, and a dialogue box that asks for the searche scope (sentence, paragraph, etc).

    I was wanting to combine what I have learned to create a script that makes sure that the selected text is a scripture (not just jim 6:23, or 4 Timothy 18:99), launches Equipd, searches for the scripture, copies it, and pasts it back into Editorial with a clickable link back to Equipd.

    I'm working on the error checking, but copying and returning will have to wait for Equipd to support it.
  4. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    I have a question around this. If all you want is Equipd looking up the scripture and returning it, do you need Equipd to open the scripture in the UI? Or just in the background and return?

    If in the UI, then it is slower as the UI has to process and update the scrollbars, load the scripture in multiple side-by-side Bibles/languages etc. But you get the advantage of the scripture being recorded in the lookup History, and the ability to do other things like Bookmark the scripture etc.

    If just in the background, then nothing will appear to change in Equipd - it will process the lookup and return the scripture to your app. Nothing else. Faster but more limited.


    And just to be clear, this will not be a high priority for me compared to other issues and features for the new app. But I am certainly pondering the options...
  5. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Personally I'd say I wouldn't need the UI. If I wanted the UI I could use a different action/URL.
  6. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I would think that Equipd would just return a null string for any scripture that was not found. It already appears to do some kind of checking already.
  7. niall

    niall New Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I'd agree with Jonathan. The current URL scheme you have already allows launching the UI. We can still use that if we need to.

    If we just want to pull a scripture for a quote there is no need to launch the UI.

    And no problem with this not being high priority. It's a "nice to have" not a "must have" feature.
  8. niall

    niall New Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I'm actually talking about creating a link, not looking up a scripture.

    It turns "Prov 17:22" into [Prov 17:22](equipdbible://bible/Prov17:22) which would then become a clickable link when I compile my notes. I want to catch errors before I compile.
  9. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Ah yes. That was actually going to be my next project. Actually, I may do a combination in adding the scripture as a linked footnote, much like how the KM ePubs are done.
  10. mikel

    mikel New Member

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Ok..well I am completely lost, reading the above dialogue just proved to myself, that I completely do not know nor understand many many things, about what I can do with the Equipd bible app and other apps. So I must research, now to find the time.

    Just to help me get the basic gist of it for now, in order to make up my mind to get this app, so this Editorial app, I'm basic terminology, is a search tool of sorts, it searches what ever you have, (apps, documents, so forth) on your iPad or iPhone, and brings it to one place so you can either save if for a purpose or to read it and leave it as is? Sharing of sorts between apps..yes? I so hope I am understanding a tiny bit, real sorry if it comes across clueless, as I am, but I love to know of what else I am able to have on my iPad to improve or enhance my theocratic study.
  11. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    @mikel The Editorial app is just a text editor. i.e. you use it to take notes and type documents.

    However, unlike most apps, Editorial comes with the ability for those with technical knowledge to add functionality to the app, such as the ability to type a scripture like "2 Timothy 3:16" in the Editorial app, click a button, and the app will switch to the Equipd Bible and look up the scripture "2 Timothy 3:16".

    This is not something that every user will do. You can use the Editorial app just fine without adding such enhancements. But for those with the knowledge and the desire to enhance things, then they can. And the Equipd Bible allows those with technical ability to do this by allowing supporting a URL Scheme for those with technical ability to hook into. This URL Scheme is what allows you to integrate the Equipd Bible with ReadingPlan. Or to create links in documents that when clicked open up the Equipd Bible app.

    The discussions above are between users who are talking about how to tweak/program Editorial to perform these scripture lookups and switch between Editorial and the Equipd Bible app.

    These features are not necessary for you to know about in order to enjoy using the Equipd Bible app, or Editorial.

    I hope that helps clarify things a little bit.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  12. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Hi there Mikel... no, Editorial is a text editor. It has a ton of automation features built in though, so you can script things (like looking up scriptures). If you ever used macros in Word or VBA in Word, you'll think of ways this can help. If you haven't... well, maybe you don't need it so much. Unless you have a geek on hand that will make scripts for you. :)

    It uses a text-entry style called Markdown, that is basically plain text with a few hints that make fancy formatting much easier. If you're curious about that, you can grab Nocs for free and try it out. It doesn't have any fancy workflow automation features though.
  13. mikel

    mikel New Member

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Thank you so much Matthew and Jonathan, for your detailed explaination.

    I do understand macros in word, so I get it, but I never really became a proper geek, I personally enjoy using computers, and I worked in an IT help desk (due to me being a patient person, as you can get rude customers who want things done 10 mins ago) hence I learned quite a fair bit, and I also helped set up a computer intergrated phone system in a job role, so I am able to do most fixes if a windows computer is playing up and understand the background of what to do to fix an issue, but I didn't get into the deep workings of codes, algorithms and programming.

    I can call myself a semi-geek, as I understand the basics and can get away with making things work for me and others, so reading up on new things, wether it be an app, or a program that will enhance my time, I do love and will try. I was reading up on the new Equipd Bible app, and browsing through the forum I got to your discussion, (and it intrigued me, hence my comment) in order to be able to help the ones I introduced to Equipd in my congregation, so if they get stuck in using the new app, I have some kind of knowledge about it. So off I go to research some more, and I am going to try and use the Editorial app too! :)


  14. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Cool, sounds like you'd enjoy it.

    One thing about editorial, as opposed to Drafts or Workflow (similar tools) is the really good documentation.
  15. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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  16. mumgold

    mumgold New Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Works really well in MS Word on iPad as well, very impressed :)

  17. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I have been using this as an excuse to learn more Editorial scripting, and I came up with another one.


    It will pull all of the scriptures in parentheses from the current paragraph and present them in a list for your selection. Handy if you paste in something like the daily text or a Watchtower excerpt. Hope it works for you!
  18. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    It works beautifully! An excellent workflow! What you are learning about Editorial scripting is benefiting all of us. Thank you for your hard work.
  19. Jonathan Markevich

    Jonathan Markevich New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I thought of one more small change I needed to do. Now if there are multiple scriptures in the parentheses (separated by ';') it will split them into list items. The URL above will still work, you may have to delete the old one and reinstall this one.

    I might see if I can pull out non-parenthetical scriptures, but that's a fair bit more work. Maybe @niall can give me hints.
  20. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    The previous workflow separated out (Joh 1:14; 3:16, 18) as Joh 1:14; 3:16, 18, which did not result in a lookup operation as no one scripture reference was distinct and separate. This is a very nice improvement, since it now separates (Joh 1:14; 3:16, 18) to
    Joh 1:14
    3:16, 18
    Being that there is no Bible book specified in the text for 3:16, 18, the lookup operation can't be carried out, but now John 1:14 can be looked up. Very helpful!

    Once again, thank you!
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015

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