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Problem with MP3 download to equipd

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Keith, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Try as I may I cannot get the bible MP3 from the JW.Org to download to equipd bible app. It goes as for as asking open in equipd? but does not. Any ideas?
  2. Best Answer:
    Post #3 by iMatt, Jul 30, 2015
  3. DvD

    DvD Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I found Safari a bit annoying so shifted over to Chrome to download and install audio MP3 - have not had a hitch
  4. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Hi Keith - I really have no idea about this issue sorry. It is not really an issue with the app. The settings in the code at the Equipd Bible end are correct.

    All I can offer is:
    1. Make sure you are downloading the audio ZIP file for the entire Bible book - not chapter
    2. Make sure that it completely downloads. Just tap the ZIP file just once in Mobile Safari and then wait patiently. The browser seems to sit there for ages downloading in the background with no visual indication that anything is happening, and then it shows the "downloaded" page. If you tap the ZIP file on the first page several times, in order to get it to download because it does not look like anything is happening, this can sometimes cause issues.
    3. Once you are on the page where the file has finished downloading, and you click "Open in...", make sure you choose the new Equipd Bible icon which is solid black - not the older Equipd icon, if you happen to have that app. If nothing happens at this point there is nothing I can offer - this is outside my control, and an issue in the Safari browser. It works fine for me any most other users so I am not sure why your device is having an issue here. What device are you using? What version of iOS?
    Beyond that, maybe it is worth trying:
    1. @DvD's suggestion to use a different browser app like Chrome to download the audio ZIP file
    2. Plug your device into your computer, and using iTunes File Sharing, copy over 1x audio ZIP file at a time to the base app directory, and then open the Equipd Bible app which should hopefully detect the ZIP file and import it for you. Only copy over one audio file at a time and import - not multiple.
    I hope that helps.

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