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Not a Bug Can't access bookmarks

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Lois, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Lois

    Lois New Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    every time I try to access my bookmarks, I get the add note box, and end up adding another bookmark rather than being able to go to one. I don't know if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong. I've given up for now after adding four news bookmarks in places I didn't want them.
    Thanks, Lois
  2. Bohemian

    Bohemian Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Hi Lois. I was dong this too!
    At the top left of the screen, the icon like a book, next to the settings button, brings up a box and you can choose bookmarks there. This gives you the options to edit them (and remove the duplicated texts!).
    When the texts are displayed slide the text to the left to reveal edit and delete options.

    Hope this helps you.
  3. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thanks for helping out @Bohemian

    Use the icon on the right to add new bookmarks. The dedicated add bookmark button makes it quicker for adding.

    Use the icon on the left that looks like a book to access your existing bookmarks.

    Sorry this was not clearer. I will think about how to make this more obvious.
  4. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Part of the confusion for many users could be that they are maybe familiar with the JW Library app and the method it uses to bookmark there. It is quite different, only allowing 10 bookmarks to be saved, and it uses the same button for adding bookmarks as it does for returning to bookmarks.

    The Equipd Bible app "add bookmark" button is allowing the user to select a Category or Topic to organise the bookmark into - and optionally to add a comment against the bookmark as well. For the purpose of speed, it is dedicated to adding bookmarks. There is no limit to the number of bookmarks you can add, or the topics you can organise them into.

    Also when you look at your list of bookmarks in Equipd (using the book icon on the left of the toolbar) it shows you the complete scripture extract, not just a list.

    I hope the workflow makes more sense now. Let me know how you get on.

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