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Creare link in note Equipd Bibbia e condividere con app. NOTE ipad

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Giancarlo, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Giancarlo

    Giancarlo New Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Salve qualcuno sa indicarmi come creare un link cliccabile all'interno delle note in Equipd Bibbia e collegarlo a NOTE ios IPAD. Dopo aver consultato tutto il forum ho concluso che questa possibilità non esiste in quanto in Equipd Bibbia non c'è l'opzione "condividi" "Share" con altre app. però spero di sbagliarmi.
  2. Best Answer:
    Post #3 by iMatt, Jan 7, 2017
  3. Giancarlo

    Giancarlo New Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Hi does anyone know tell me how to create a clickable link within the notes in Equipd Bible and connect it to ios NOTES IPAD. After consulting the entire board I have concluded that this possibility does not exist as in Equipd Bible there is no "share" "Share" option with other apps. But I hope to be wrong.
    Thank you
  4. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Hi @Giancarlo. To create a link to another app is more a question of does the other app supports incoming links.

    The Equipd Bible app supports links.

    So does the Notes app have a URL scheme that allows users to link to a specific Note inside the Notes app? I presume that is what you are trying to do?

    I did some research on google and it does not appear that there is a link format to use to open notes in the Notes app sorry. This is a limitation of the Notes app, and not something that I can personally work around.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019

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