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Custom Reading Schedule

Discussion in 'Technical Questions' started by Carlos, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I have a Python script that generates the JSON file with a schedule. The script takes as parameters the bible book, starting chapter, starting verse and number of verses to read per day. The resulting schedule contain daily readings that span over multiple chapters and even books if you are at the end of a book. I created one for the nightly bible readings with my wife. For a long time we have been reading 22 verses per night (don't ask why, that's what we have been doing). We read the complete Bible in a little less than 4 years. The JSON generated loads into Equipd Bible just fine and it works. A second schedule, generated the same way but with the intent to read the Bible in one year, loads into Equipd but I can not initiate the schedule. I have compared formats, both generated with the same tool... Don't see what could be causing the problem. I am attaching the JSON here. Any thoughts? By the way... I am aware of non-english characters. I have tested without them and same result.

    Attached Files:

  2. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I figured out what was happening! Sort of…
    I opened the JSON file and copied the text over to a new file. Saved it and then it worked fine. I am guessing Python’s json.dump function spits out a file that contains some formatting unknown to me. Equipd did not like it as it came out of the script.

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