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Idea enhance pdf with link to Equipd or make biblical note

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Gabriel, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Gabriel

    Gabriel Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    One idea in the same direction as the existing function Detect Scriptures in Clipboard. For example with Editorial App, it's easy with a workflow, but it is on flat text.

    Solution #1 a PDF App who allow to make workflow and link in another App.

    Solution #2 is to do it inside Equipd App
    The Floating Bible app on android plateform have the fonction for "PDF analyzing capabilities to enhance the pdf with highlights and biblical notes."
    I only used once, I have an iPad!)))) For example, I had downloading a pdf document from jw.org in Adobe Reader App. In the application Floating Bible, I had selecting the directory file where is the PDF file and start the fonction in Floating Bible App. After, when returns to the file in Adobe Reader App, I can view the verses in pup-up footnotes. For this on IOS, we should find a PDF application that allows another application to make links?

    The advantages of this feature are:
    • to link, to read verses in old publications in PDF,
    • for outline of public talk,
    • for those who prefer to use the standard layout (digital printing as paper) vs the Epub files
    • to those who do not have the old app Equipd.
    • A PDF reader application allows underscore and highlight easier than JW Library App and to add notes (JW Library don't allows notes).
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  2. Paul H

    Paul H New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Hi @Gabriel,

    Herein I'm also replying to your question over in the Bug Reports forum:

    I too at times like to use our literature in PDF format for some of the reasons that you mentioned. Recently I have created links within the study articles to scriptures that are opened in Equipd Bible. I'll describe my steps, but unfortunately there's little automation.

    I use the MS Windows based application named PDF-XChange Editor Plus.
    Up until now I have used it in "Free mode" since I have no need for the extra features. Creating links is done manually, one by one, on each scripture. It's tedious, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, I wrote an Awk script to extract the scriptures from the article text and put them in a single column list of links formatted as equipdbible://bible/2Pe3:13 . As I later create each clickable link in the PDF document with PDF-XChange Editor, I select and copy/paste each link string from the list opened in a text editor. I would be happy to send a copy of the Awk script if desired. :) No? Well, I understand....

    The above method was taking me about 3/4 hour per Wt study article. However I've now reduced that time to about 20 minutes per article by creating a small x86 executable, compiled in PureBasic. My workflow is: Since I have to select the text of each scripture from within PDF-XChange Editor anyway, in order to create the clickable link upon it, first I copy it to the clipboard. Then one click on my little utility sitting in the Windows task bar grabs and cleans it, adds the Equipd link prefix and returns that text string to the clipboard, ready for pasting into the link tool of PDF-XChange Editor. I'll share this little utility too, but I'm just a hobbiest programmer, so no guarantees. Also I could pass on the raw PureBasic code, it's really quite trivial, using a regular expression to clean up the scripture text string.

    Of course, we've seen that Equipd Bible itself gives us a way without any links. When I underline a scripture in my PDF reader for iOS (I prefer PDF Expert by Readdle), a long tap thereafter brings up the menu for me to copy to the clipboard. With Equipd Bible opened in the slide out window of the iPad, up comes the prompt to open the scripture currently on the clipboard. So during the meeting I can view it with only a few taps. :) But I sure do love to see my links work after I've put them in! Plus all my annotations are available in my PDF publications for future reference. And as you said my brother, the links are great for a talk outline in PDF format. Or in the Apple Notes app.


    - Paul H -
  3. Gabriel

    Gabriel Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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  4. Paul H

    Paul H New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Hi Gabriel,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I had previously seen that PDF-XChange Editor Plus usage can be enhanced with Javascript. Maybe with time something can be done there. For now, I'm attempting to upload my AWK script, which contains a few explanatory comments. I've not yet uploaded a file to this forum, but if possible I'll also upload an example output file from the first study article of the September study edition.

    If you would like the compiled utility that I also mentioned, let me know. I suspect there's not a way to upload that to the forum.

    - Paul H -

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