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Bug Report Issues with Belize Kriol Bible

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Tay, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Tay

    Tay New Member

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I want to thank you again for uploading this bible and formatting it for Equipd, I have been using it quite regularly and it has made it so much easier when reading from the NWT in Hebrew Scriptures to the Kriol Bible in Greek. Thank you!

    I just wanted to make note of a few issues, I was not able to go through and find every instance but it seems to follow a pattern

    Basically when the kriol translation was made sometimes they made the habit of combining two verses or more together. In Equipd these verses are not recognized and they are combined with the previous verse and the succeeding verses are then bumped up one verse.

    For example

    Luke 3:1-2
    Mathew 28:6-7
    Luke 6:14-16

    Is there a way Equipd could recognize these combined verses?

    Also for some reason in John chapter 8 verses 1-12 are left blank and then the actual first verse is shifted to verse 13. I'm not sure why it does this.

    It would be really great if these could be fixed, thank you!
  2. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Oh sorry - I just realised that you are talking about the Belize Kreol Bible EPUB that I generated.

    I will see what I can do - it might be that I cannot fix these issues easily sorry. It all comes down to the source material used to generate the epub.
  3. Joel.W

    Joel.W New Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    @iMattI think I have a fix suggestion for this Belize Kriol “Bug”! And I hope you can help?
    First, I just want to make sure to say how much I LOVE being able to view The Belize Kriol side by side with the NWT. I remember how ecstatic I was to see the EPUB you generated for Equipd Bible. But then being just devastated to discover that it's flaws in the source material make it just a little too unreliable for use out in the field.
    (...As is, I still LOVE using the 'Equipd Bibles' Belize Kriol for personal study in conjunction with my old 'Equipd' app. - for eg. being able to at least find in advance the correct :VS, & then switch back & inserting it right into the text of my study materials is simply an amazing tool for meeting preparation... Thank you!)

    To restate - The problem as I understand it is this: In the Belize Kriol version, some verses are paraphrased so that 2 verses are combined into 1. Use Matt 1:5,6 (the first instance) for e.g. The Belize Kriol shows the combined vs: as 5-6, (Hyphen with no spaces in between the numbers.) The Equipd Bible app doesn't pick up these hyphenated verse numbers as being a verse at all, so Matt 1:5 in Equipd Bible is actually showing the words of Matt 1:7, & Matt 1:6 shows Matt 1:8 etc. (Matt 1:4 shows Matt 1:4,5-6).
    Depending on where and how often it happens in a chapter, you have to scan back numerous verses to try & find the actual scripture that belongs for the corresponding :vs number. (Or take Matt 3:1-2. then you can't scroll back, because those verses are not there to be found at all.) So sadly, you can never just go to a random scripture with full trust that it's the :vs number it says it is in Equipd. Side by side comparison with any other bibles is of little use when the verses just don't match up 1/3 of the time. (As a case in point, John chapter 11 has 57 verses, but Equipd bible says it only has a total of 45 in the Kriol.)

    This is URL you used to generate the EPUB: https://www.bible.com/bible/409/mat.1.BZJNT - This online 'YouVersion' of the Belize Kriol uses these hyphenated verse numbers (with no spaces.) But there are other online sources of this Bible versions. And the one at “Bible.is” puts spaces around the hyphens and treats the hyphenated verse numbers as separate (click-able) verses. (VS: 5 - 6 ). If you could generate an epub from this online source instead, I think Equipd should be able to recognize both those verse numbers too.

    (There may yet be a few problem chapters left, namely I believe Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:14-16; & John 7:21-24, where hyphenated verses span more than two verses. But at least it would only be in these 3 rare occurrences mentioned. It would be even greater if there's anything that you could do to manually adjust those 3 exceptions to the norm?)
    Would you please make a new EPUB from this alternative online source?
    • Same Name: Di Nyoo Testiment eena Bileez Kriol
    • Same Language: Belize Kriol
    Provided by the Same Publisher: Wycliffe Bible Translators, with the same Creative Commons License.
    The main drawback of the "Bible.is" source is the unfortunate lack of inclusion of any of the footnotes. But still, a willing trade off for a functioning EPUB.
    (I've looked at trying to create a modified epub file myself, and manually add the missing :vs numbers, but I just don't have the technical expertise to know what it is I'm doing wrong??)

    (There are also other online versions available that do include footnotes and book introductions, but like "YouVersion" I believe they have the same problem with the hyphenated verses. http://bibles.org/bzj-BZJNT/Matt/1 --- http://ebible.org/study/?w1=bible&t1=local:BZJWBT&v1=MT1_1 --- http://worldbibles.org/language_detail/eng/bzj/Belize+Kriol+English --- http://ebible.org/bzj/index.htm )
    (There are also downloadable versions in epub3; Kindle mobi; and html.zip, or even the android APK by the publishers Wycliffe... Should any of these formats be of any useful benefit?)
    Your help is most appreciated! As I hope to finally be able to share without reservation your app as the invaluable tool it could be for everyone here in Belize with an iphone or ipad.
  4. Joel.W

    Joel.W New Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Also, the issues Tay mentioned with John 8 seams to be a little different matter.
    Where as the NWT text omits John 7:53-8:11, the Belize Kriol text does not. But in Equipd the verses start again in 8:12 for both the NWT and the Belize Kriol. Unfortunately the Equipd Kriol is displaying John 8 vs:1 (not vs:12) in what it says is vs:12, and so on & so on... (I should also note* John 7:53 is actually found at “John 7:47” in Equipd for the Kriol, but that's due to all the hyphenated verses in chapter 7).
  5. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    @Joel.W - thanks for the detailed post. I will certainly look into this further over the coming weeks and see if I create a more accurate EPUB for you to work with.
  6. Tay

    Tay New Member

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I found another epub file for the Belize Kriol bible but it does not work in the equipd bible:


    But after opening it in ibooks I can see that there is not a space between the hyphen for verses either. I.e. Luke 3:1,2

    Can anyone find a bzj epub file with spaces?


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