Equipd Bible Version 2.0
It has been several months since version 1.0 of this app was released. It has taken me longer than anticipated to add several key features, and I am very pleased to finally announce version 2.0 of the Equipd Bible app.
So what is new in this update?
- You can now centrally access all your Notes from the History and Bookmarks window.
- The History/Bookmarks/Notes window has been redesigned so that you can immediately return to where you left off – great for working your way through a list of Notes or Bookmarks.
- When viewing existing Notes the popup window will now resize to fit the note contents.
- New Side Panel to view all notes from the current chapter – iPad only. Toggle this panel on/off from the top toolbar.
- You can now put a comment against a Bookmark. Great for creating a list of scriptures with comments for shepherding or personal use.
- Split Screen and Slide Over support for supporting iPads.
- iPad Pro support.
- New Search options, accessed from the toolbar in the Search window.
- Ability to move Notes between Bibles in Settings. Great for migrating to a newer default Bible – move all your existing Notes across as well.
- A number of workflow improvements and bug fixes, including but not limited to this list.
Tip: follow the links to read more about the features and see screenshots.
I am already working on the next update with more key features to help you with your daily Bible reading.
If you enjoy using the Equipd Bible app your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Update: Version 2.0 is now available on the App Store.
Here are some screenshots highlighting a few of the new features…
- Toggle the new Side Panel on/off from the top right toolbar button.
- Your central list of notes is accessed from the same window as History and Bookmarks.
- Scroll through all notes in a chapter. Tap to view the full note and lookup the verse.
- Bookmarked list of scriptures used for the Years Text – with a key thought under each scripture.
- Split Screen on supported iPads only (defined by Apple).