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Done - 3.0 Support links inside a Note

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by DvD, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. DvD

    DvD Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    is it possible to create a link to an article in either of the above web pages in a note to a particular verse of the Bible eg to an article on Buble Teachings etc? I copied a link from an article on JW.Org but it is not active in the note ie the link will not automatically open the page - as you can see by my query I am no techno wiz
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I am afraid this is not possible at the moment. I have created custom ePubs that include notes and marginal references as footnotes in the ePub itself (the content xhtml files) and that works but not in the notes. It would be a very desirable feature if we could insert links to other scriptures in the notes using the 'equipd://bible/verse' url scheme.
  3. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    I have moved this to the Feature Requests forum and marked it as "Planned" ;)
  4. Aron Pedersen

    Aron Pedersen New Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Scripture notes that allow you to embed links to other scriptures - modernized scripture chains. This would be an absolute power feature in the ministry. Very excited about this one.
  5. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Support for links is now enabled for the next version.

    The following link types are supported:
    • External website links fully defined starting with http://, https://, or ftp://. Such links will open in the Safari browser.
    • Equipd Bible links as defined in the official URL Scheme. This allows you to cross-link to scriptures from within a note. Note that while these links are supported, there is an easier way to link scriptures inside a note.
    • Links to the older Equipd app as defined in the docs here. This allows you to link to any publication or article in the older app for users who still have it installed.
    Please note the following:
    • The links only work from the Notes Side Panel or from central library of Notes accessible from the toolbar.
    • The links do not work from inside the actual Notes which is currently just a textarea ready to edit text. One day I will flesh this out to be a more powerful text editor with a "read" mode that can show the clickable link vs a "edit" mode - but that is not planned in the short-term.
    • When the link is displayed the start of the link (before the ://) will be stripped away to make it easier to read. The link will also be shortened to below 20 chars.
    • Internal scripture links must not include any spaces. The easiest way to generate a scripture link is to use the "Generate Scripture URL" button accessible from the top toolbar menu.
    • The links should not be inside round brackets ( and ) because the link detection will clash with the new scripture auto-linking.
    Sample Links:
    External website link to this forum post:
    Internal scripture link to 2 Timothy 3:16:
    Link to older Equipd app to the Bible Teach book:
    Sample Screenshots:
    1. The 1st screenshot below shows the full link entered in the Notes window.
    2. The 2nd screenshot shows the formatted link ready to be clicked in the Side Panel.
    3. The 3rd screenshot is a reminder about the "Generate Scripture URL" button
    Simulator Screen Shot 11.05.2016, 2.23.48 PM.png Simulator Screen Shot 11.05.2016, 5.28.10 PM.png Generate Scripture URL.png

    Markdown Link Format
    You can also add links using the markdown format of [text](url). Any app or website can be linked to in the (url) section. Note that links with round brackets in them ( and ), such as Wikipedia sometimes uses, are not supported by this format.

    Scripture Links
    If you include scriptures in the note that comply with the auto-linking requirements, then these scriptures will be linked automatically when viewing the Note.

    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  6. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    @Aron Pedersen This is now achieved using the new linking support as described above, but also by the new scripture auto-linking described here.
  7. niall

    niall New Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    G'day Matt,

    Is it possible for you to include the detection of links to other apps, perhaps as part of the Markdown format for links? [Text](link)

    I use NoteBooks for study notes and it would be handy to be able to link to it from a scripture. For example:
  8. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hi @niall - I have added support for the markdown format link.
    And yes it will work for your example link opening in the NoteBooks app.

    Wikipedia Media URLs vs Markdown format
    Wikipedia uses links that have round brackets in them ( and ). Here is an example:
    These links are not compatible with the markdown link format used in the app. You can still put these links into a note - but not wrapped in markdown. Hope that makes sense ;)
    Last edited: May 15, 2016

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