thank you I use it a lot
In the window 'Strong's Concordance", have the possibility to set a link to a web site for more details or in another language. In French...
I have read the Scriptures in a week and a half to make this file! ))
I don't know, if not, I can look for, but I prefer the WLC + Strong, you not? I did the corrections for WLC+S
Hi Naomi, this seems to work well. look the link below. Are you the daughter of Nathan S.?))) Chinese Pinyin Nwt...
When I copy the url of Wikipedia with words with accents (French), url is not fully recognized in the notes.
Just to let you know that it would be nice to make links workings to WOL for the Appendix , which are not included in the Epub file. Or if you can...
As is possible with other types of links, and when we put parentheses in a note. Link to open the window of Strong's Concordance with the code...
One idea in the same direction as the existing function Detect Scriptures in Clipboard. For example with Editorial App, it's easy with a workflow,...
Matt did it only in English, Japanese, German, Chinese Simplified/Traditional, Italian, French and Spanish.
I suggest you try to do a file (txt, excel, etc) with how you imagine your program. There are portions which are read often but often more...
there is a disproportionate amount of chapters to read by day. Here are the number of days by section in the bible in a year schedule: Monday:...
Merci chef. Faster also. Like the old Equipd but at right. And if you add at the top of the left swipe the menu of the book open logo will the 5...
Le meilleur lien pour avoir un verset en plusieurs versions française. Et le lien fonctionne toujours puisqu'il utilise le numéro du livre. Même...
another option is to integrate the information in an Epub file. I ask if the organization intends to do so? Or will Equipd surporter adding images?
Many language and mp3 files on Chinese Russian...
Thank you a lot for cross-references and footnotes for French NWT (bi12-F). That's perfect like that but you know it's not perfect? )))) For...
it is possible to make the version FDB already made, but with the notes? And/or make Equipd compatible with code for notes in several places in...
New World Translation (Study Edition) nwtsty...
Separate names with a comma.