With two or three touch is possible to 'go back' in selected verses with the history. Just a idea, sometime it would be useful to go back more...
"There is no problem for using my Greek lexicon strong. (...) The key is to mention the source and let me know your work. (...) Our wish is to...
Like the existing class (class="strongs"), but the class="Lexicon"!))) Put the lexicon in an EPUB, with all footnotes and/or references to a file...
Auteurs : Louis Pirot et Albert Clamer Source : http://456-bible.123-bible.com/pirot/pirot.htm...
With 3.0.0 update, it's now possible to make link to a other verse in the Epub with the support of the navigation in the epub. Example : "See 2...
Programme setting (Currently written in the masculine, but intensity and progression are feminine words) For "Progression" type: Séquentielle,...
Daily Text 2016 = Texte du jour 2016 The daily text with commentary from JW.org. = Le texte du jour avec les commentaires de JW.org.
because it is the first word of the sentence, need the capital (http://bdl.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/bdl/gabarit_bdl.asp?id=1242). perhaps even better...
= Lecture hebdomadaire de la Bible
Curious, I try and Equipd dislike this url. Same for me, Equipd donesnt open safari. (I think "de." or "en." work a little better than "www.",...
Do you use Rbi8 for web search? try this with german placeholders. http://de.bibleserver.com/text/GNB/%q English http://en.bibleserver.com/text/GNB/%q
New I think that will work to find a German word in GNB selected in Equipd. http://www.bibleserver.com/search/GNB/%q/1 I have not yet found to...
Fixed - 1.1.0 Go into iOS Settings > Equipd, and toggle the "Clear Incoming Files" option....
Stage 2 - footnote links - this happens when both are not the favorite bible. In others words, Equipd tries to open the glossary link in the...
I try first this new feature with nwt-CR. Work well. But after with the same verse but with nwt-E, the ahref of the glossary open the benning of...
thank you for the corrections! :)
And no capital letter at the beginning of the month in french. And day before the month: Lundi, 16 mai
For long description...
Programme à l'année = Programme en une année Challenge de 90 jours = ok like that, but better = Défi de 90 jours = Lire une partie des Écritures...
The "+" icon in front: "Ajouter un nouveau sujet", "Add a new subject" The icon sort up down (3 lines) for "Réorganiser les sujets" The Recycle...
Separate names with a comma.