Would be nice to integrate this list! (https://www.openbible.info/geo/data/places.txt) 1274 places and thousands of references to verses!
I can say : I had understood it! And I also understand that it would have surprised me that the application JW Library allow another application...
Equipd Bible is the best application to find verse and compare versions, take notes, etc. But I would find it logical and convenient to have in...
One problem is the current Google Map or others map are not in the Biblical times, so without the cities of the time. If Equipd support web...
I made a simple workflow to link the verses, one by one, and works with all formats that recognizes Equipd. I think we should just change the...
The person who helps you for the French translation done it like we speak, not as we write... IMG_1800 : ".Le chapitre de cette Bible en EPUB n'a...
Bible atlas Ridling Sames maps in the good land brochure but with more maps!)) http://da-ip.getmyip.com:8080/Documents/Bible%20Atlas%20-%20Ridling.pdf
Or map of his run!)) [ATTACH]
Hi Carlos, Thank you to try to help me with this. I hope you succeed! ))) Also, I was able to make the workflow to create a link to reference...
I try to make it for french text (http://www.editorial-workflows.com/workflow/5779833254576128/QM0dV2a7d_o). My problems : 1) The workflow don’t...
I'll probably use this. I share : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8xsmjdfmjy3ucf1/AABFHFGWl3hU4smR6RVmv6mta?dl=0 Divided by session (AM and PM). I...
Take the RTF, not the PDF file on jw.org. And copy and paste in the App.
a gift just in time for the Memorial!;)
Dictionary Strong in French Having the option of definions Strong like KJV English but in French! ))) I can not wait to have this option in...
ok, thank you!
1st post: In general, don't use Psalms, or look in the next chapter. And don't use Esdras and Nehemiah (http://www.bombaxo.com/ezrachart.html). It...
When the next update? :)
The Persian New Millennium Version © 2014 Permission requests that exceed the above guidelines must be directed to Elam Ministries, Attn: Bible...
http://iamlord.com/bibles/ ? With that it is possible to make an epub for Equipd....
You don't see the attached files ? DIA.epub ? I have also a good copy in PDF with bookmark, and the word tot word greck to english text.
Separate names with a comma.